Mental Health Tip

None of us know how long we have left on this planet, so make the most of your remaining time here, and stop farting about. PS A little Acceptance goes a long way!

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The Massive Failing in Children’s Education – George Monbiot | DDN Superb. A real gem. Also missing I believe: Parenting Skills!! Money Management Political Awareness (Government) Management Skills (Teamwork) Critical Thinking


Overview This is taken from the Pathocracy blog: From Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski. Definition: pathocracy (n) A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people. Pathocracy from Greek pathos, “feeling, pain, suffering”;… Continue reading Pathocracy

Party Politics

This is the nature of our political system: It encourages or even requires ‘winners’ to bluff, bully and bullshit their way to the top of the greasy pole; often by stabbing other people in the back along the way, or by trampling them underfoot. The wealthy will nearly always win in the end. That’s because… Continue reading Party Politics

Advice From An Old Fart

Play to your strengths Time is precious; money isn’t Follow the path with a heart Life’s a dance; a lot of steps Variety is the spice of life We are learning, discovering

How To Deceive People ‘en masse’

Practice lying through your teeth, especially to camera.It’s easy, once you know how. Study the nature of ‘clever animals’, and mislead them via herd instinct etc. Mislead by example.‘Playing the Fool’ helps. Abuse #NLP

Spiritual Stuff

My version of God – aka “Big G”: All That Is – Includes Science, Religion, War, Evil – as well as bananas and nuts etc. If you want an explanation as to wtf is going on, try this … Some of our leaders are truly evil beings in human form. Their objective is to kill… Continue reading Spiritual Stuff


I am a #Cannabis consumer. It is the only truly effective anti-depressant that I have ever known, especially when I can be with like-minded people of course. I know about #HumanRights abuse. For adults only! Don’t drive whilst ‘under the influence’. Please. Avoid smoking